
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要





Discussion on the problem of "Business tax reform VAT" of construction enterprises in China


Tax revenue, which is one of the important sources of national fiscal revenue, is the lifeline of the country's normal operation and development. The construction industry is one of the pillar industries in our country. Before the Business tax reform VAT, the construction industry is the only second of the business tax levy. Before the Business tax reform VAT, the total output growth continued to decline in the construction industry, the proportion of GDP also continued to reduce, the construction industry, such as the problem of serious tax burden, hindering the development of the construction industry the Business tax reform VAT, the construction industry will usher in a new development opportunity, however, in the Business tax reform VAT, also produced a lot of difficulties and problems. Difficulties: the central and local distribution of benefits, tax collection, tax rates, there are many difficulties in the Business tax reform VAT the reform process, there are many problems. At the same time, in the Business tax reform VAT, but also produced a number of issues, deduction problems, invoices management issues, cooperation projects, as well as cash flow problems, these are the construction industry Business tax reform VAT the resistance. This article also puts forward the corresponding solutions, enterprises should attach great importance to the Business tax reform VAT various policies, do a good job in the budget finishing work. Problems of enterprises to deal with the deduction to the multi balance, the government should increase policy adjustments, preferential policies. For project cooperation, enterprises should critically evaluate the partners qualification, for cash flow problems, enterprises should strengthen its supervision, and urge account of efforts to ensure improvement of cash flow. For invoice management issues, to strengthen the training of relevant tax staff, improve staff awareness. The purpose of this paper is to China's construction industry "camp to add" questions, solve problems, suggestions for the tax system.

Key words:Construction industry, Value-added tax, Business tax reform VAT

目 录

1 导论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2 国内外相关研究 1

1.2.1国内相关研究 1

1.2.2国外相关研究 2

1.3 研究的目的与方法 2

1.3.1研究的目的 2

1.3.2研究的方法 2

2 我国“营改增”的改革背景 4

2.1 现行营业税的问题 4

2.2 增值税的特点及优势 4

2.3 我国“营改增”历程 5

3 我国建筑业的发展现状 6

3.1 我国建筑业目前的发展概况 6

3.2 我国建筑业的现行税制 7

3.3 建筑业“营改增”的必要性与可行性 7

3.3.1 必要性分析 8

3.3.2 可行性分析 9

4 建筑业“营改增”中存在的难点 11

4.1 中央与地方利益分配问题 11

4.2 税收征管问题 12

4.3 税率问题 12

5 建筑业“营改增”中存在的问题 14

5.1 抵扣问题 14

5.1.1 建筑劳务支出(人工费)的抵扣 14

5.1.2 建筑施工设备的抵扣 14

5.1.3 部分材料支出的抵扣问题 14

5.2 发票的管理问题 15

5.3 合作项目问题 15

5.4 企业现金流问题 16

6 “营改增”对建筑企业的影响 17

6.1 对企业资产的影响 17

6.2 对企业税负的影响 17

6.3 对企业运营管理的影响 18

7 建筑业“营改增”的对策及建议 19

7.1 高度重视,积极应对 19

7.1.1 认真学习与宣传增值税政策 19

7.1.2 做好测算与收尾工作 19

7.2 应对抵扣问题 19

7.2.1 劳务支出(人工费)的抵扣问题 19

7.2.2 施工设备抵扣问题 19

7.3 应对发票问题 19

7.4 应对合作问题 20

7.5 应对现金流问题 20

7.6 预算定额问题 20

结 论 21

致 谢 22

参 考 文 献 23

1 导论

1.1 研究背景与意义





1.2 国内外相关研究



  2. “洼池效应”问题。 由于资本的逐利性,国家可以利用增值税的税收杠杆作用,引导资金流向特定的行业和地区,需要规划、协调好区域性优惠政策及其周边地区政策的衔接问题。

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