
 2023-02-15 05:02


摘 要

当前亚洲地区在金融贸易方面面临着很大的困难,制定强有力的解决措施迫在眉睫,处于亚太地区的各国和中国都必须尽自己最大的努力来积极推进RCEP的谈判进程,充分发挥出RCEP建立的作用,利用其建成后的积极影响来推动亚洲经济一体化的发展。区域全面经济合作伙伴关系协定(RCEP)是由东盟十国发起的,2011 年东盟邀请中日韩、澳大利亚、新西兰和印度六个国家共同参加谈判,提出建立 RCEP贸易协定。RCEP贸易协定建立的目标主要是为了应对经济全球化的加深和区域经济一体化的发展,RCEP将通过处理关税的问题来加深推动贸易自由化程度,从而为区域间各国的经济合作做出一定贡献。



Analysis of the Positive Impact of

RCEP Trade Agreement on China"s Trade


At present, the Asian region faces great difficulties in financial trade. It is extremely urgent to formulate powerful solutions. Countries in the Asia-Pacific region and China must do their utmost to vigorously advance the negotiation process of the RCEP and give full play to the establishment of the RCEP. To use its positive influence after its completion to promote the development of Asian economic integration. The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) was initiated by 10 ASEAN nations. In 2011, ASEAN invited China, Japan and South Korea, Australia, New Zealand and India to participate in the negotiations and proposed the establishment of a RCEP trade agreement. The objective of the RCEP trade agreement is mainly to respond to the deepening of economic globalization and the development of regional economic integration. RCEP will deepen the degree of trade liberalization by handling the issue of tariffs, thus making a contribution to the economic cooperation among various countries in the region.

The focus of this paper is to study the positive impact of the RCEP trade agreement on China’s trade, and to analyze the background and development history of RCEP. Finally, we propose some relevant strategies for how China should further expand its positive impact. This will provide China with a view to promoting the construction of RCEP. Some inspiration. This article is divided into four parts in addition to the introduction and related literature review. The first part is an overview of RCEP trade agreement theory. In this part, the concept and construction target of RCEP are mainly introduced, and the background and construction process of RCEP are reviewed. The second part uses related data to analyze the current status of the world"s economic trade and some existing problems. The third part analyzes the positive impact of the RCEP trade agreement. This section is divided into three main points. The first is to compare RCEP with existing trade agreements and analyze their differences. In this paper, the TPP trade agreement is taken as an example; the second is the analysis of the trade agreement for China. Positive influence; Third is a brief enumeration of the need for China to join the RCEP. The last part of the fourth section puts forward relevant countermeasures and suggestions on how China should respond to the RCEP trade agreement. This article believes that although there are many difficulties in the development of RCEP that need to be broken, the establishment of the agreement has many positive impacts on the development of China’s trade. Therefore, China should make every effort to actively promote the RCEP process.

Keywords: Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP); Freedom of Trade; Regional economic integration

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

第三章 RCEP贸易协定概述 5

3.1 RCEP的概念和目标 5

3.2 RCEP的构建背景和历程 5

3.2.1 RCEP的构建背景 5

3.2.2 RCEP的构建历程 5

第四章 当前贸易现状及问题分析 7

4.1 当前贸易现状分析 7

4.2 当前贸易现状存在的问题分析 8

4.2.1 全球贸易增长速度缓慢 8

4.2.2 财政与货币政策不够完善 8

4.2.3 国际贸易环境不乐观 8

第五章 RCEP贸易协定的积极影响 9

5.1 RCEP与以往其他贸易协定的不同(以TPP为例) 9

5.2 RCEP贸易协定对中国的积极影响 10

5.2.1 RCEP将有利于我国改善周边环境 10

5.2.2 RCEP可以为中国提供更广阔的贸易和投资机会 10

5.2.3 RCEP将有效抵消TPP对中国的冲击 11

5.3 中国加入RCEP的必要性 11

5.3.1加强区域合作 促进经济发展 11

5.3.2 有利于我国建立FTA工程 11

5.3.3 有效应对美国对中国的打压 12

第六章 对策建议 13

6.1中国要努力推进RCEP进程 13

6.2积极参与RCEP规则的制定,主动落实协议 13

6.3稳步推进中国与东盟自由贸易区的发展 13

6.4积极推进中日韩自由贸易区的建设 13

6.5将RCEP成员国之间的产业合作作为重点 14

6.6改善与各成员国的外交关系,增强政治互信 14

第七章 结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献(References) 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


RCEP的目标是提高区域内各国之间贸易自由化的程度,减少非关税贸易壁垒和采取相关减免税的措施,大力促进区域内各国之间的贸易往来。RCEP 的建立也将会对我国的贸易和经济产生一系列积极影响,最显著的当然是可以加强我国同各国的联系和合作,我国近年来正在稳步推进区域经贸活动,加入RCEP对我国最大的好处就是可以全面促进我国的经济和贸易发展。另外,随着中国国际地位的提高和影响力的不断加深,美国对我们的遏制也表现的愈发明显,RCEP在一定程度上可以成为我国应对美国遏制的武器之一。

1.2 研究意义


