
 2023-02-15 05:02


摘 要




The Causes, Characteristics and Countermeasures of India"s Trade Relief to China


Since 1994, India has frequently used various trade remedy measures against China. Affected by the economic crisis since 2008, India has become the country with the most trade remedy measures against China after the crisis, and there have been unprecedented breakthroughs in the investigation of product categories. These trade remedy measures have seriously affected China"s export trade to India and pose a greater threat to the survival and development of China"s enterprises engaged in India"s exports.
This paper mainly collects and sorts out a large number of Chinese domestic industry and foreign trade relief investigation case data, combined with the actual case of trade relief investigation, focusing on the characteristics and impact of India"s trade remedy measures against China. This paper tries to analyze the causes of India"s trade remedy measures against China by using economic principles and explores the development trend of India"s application of trade remedy measures to China. According to the analysis and research in this paper, India and China have similarities in resources and industries, and they have similarities in export structure and market. The gap in foreign trade deficit is obvious. Based on the theory of customs union, this paper proposes to solve the current situation of India"s trade remedy investigations in China by establishing a free trade zone to resolve trade disputes between China and India, and to strengthen the application of China"s trade remedy measures. This article has certain reference value for the government, industry organizations, lawyers, and enterprises to respond to India"s trade remedy investigations to China and to timely adjust operations to Indian export enterprises.

Keywords:India;Trade Emedy Investigation Reason;Resolving measure


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景 1

1.2 问题的提出和研究的意义 1

1.3 研究的方法和主要内容 1

1.4 本文的创新点与不足 1

1.5 文献综述 1

1.5.1 国外研究现状 2

1.5.2 国内研究现状 2

第二章 印度对中国采取的贸易救济措施形式 1

2.1 反倾销调查、反补贴调查、保障措施调查 1

2.2 印度对中国采取的贸易救济调查特点分析 2

2.2.1 贸易救济措施单一 2

2.2.2调查措施趋于多样 3

2.2.3 涉及商品范围广,化工、医药产品是重点 3

2.2.4 涉案金额虽小,但增长速度较快 4

2.3 印度对中国采取的贸易救济措施趋势分析 4

2.3.1 贸易救济调查产品类别从低端向高端发展 4

2.3.2对低端产品贸易救济调查的措施进一步扩大 4

第三章 印度对中国采取贸易救济措施对中国外贸的影响 1

3.1 大幅减少中国产品对印度出口数量和金额 1

3.2阻碍中国产品进入印度市场 1

第4章 印度对中国采取贸易救济措施的原因分析 3

4.1经济因素分析 3

4.1.1印度与中国的资源与产业构成存在相似性 3

4.1.2印度与中国的出口结构和市场存在趋同性 4

4.1.3 印度与中国存在巨大贸易逆差 5

4.2 经济外因素分析 6

4.2.1 政治因素 6

4.2.2 文化因素 6

第5章 印度对中国贸易救济措施解决方案探究 7

5.1 谋求建立自由贸易区 7

5.1.1 自由贸易区关税同盟理论 7

5.1.2 中国与印度建立自由贸易区的可操作性分析 7

5.2 进一步合理进行国际分工 7

5.3 通过外交关系侧面影响中印贸易关系 8

第6章 结语 9

参考文献 10

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究的背景



1.2 问题的提出和研究的意义


1.3 研究的方法和主要内容


