
 2023-02-15 05:02


摘 要




The Reconstruction Analysis Of International Economic And Trade Rules Based On “One Belt And One Road”


The "One Belt And One Road" strategy is a major development initiative led by China, which is an effective strategy to promote the economic and trade cooperation between countries along the line.This strategy has not only brought new impetus to our economy, but also injected new vitality into the stagnation of the international economy.With the continuous advancement of One Belt And One Road strategy, the influence of international economic and trade rule restructuring is increasingly deepened.Based on this, the rules of international economy and trade under the background of reconstruction of the situation, the main body and content, and the strategy of "One Belt And One Road" under the practical significance to reconstruct the rules of international economy and trade, international economic and trade rules to reconstruct the international foundation, explore the implementation mechanisms of international economic and trade rules reconstruction, find out the strategies to reconstruct the international economic and trade rules.This strategy has led and promoted the restructuring of the global economic and trade pattern and will promote the reconstruction of the international economic and trade pattern.

Therefore, we can further explore the reconstruction of international economic and trade rules under the background of "One Belt And One Road", so as to find out its influence on China"s economy and trade.

Keywords: One Belt And One Road; International Economic And Trade Rules; Reconstruction

目 录

摘要 Ⅰ


第一章 绪 论..................................................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究的意义和目的 1

1.3 文献综述 1

第二章 国际经贸规则重构的内容以及特征 3

2.1国际经贸规则的定义 3

2.2国际经贸规则演变的新趋势 3

2.2.1国际经贸区域化规则逐步替代全球化规则 3

2.2.2国际经贸规则从自由化向公平化演进 4

2.2.3边境后措施成为谈判议题 4

2.2.4规则制定权的抢夺将会长期持续 4

2.3国际经贸规则的主要内容 4

2.3.1投资规则 4

2.3.2电子商务规则 4

2.3.3货物贸易规则 5

2.4新一代国际经贸规则重构的特征 5

2.4.1重构方向重视贸易壁垒的削减 5

2.4.2重构范围和标准将超越 WTO 现有的政策领域和标准 5

2.4.3重构更青睐通过诸边协议来探讨新的经贸规则 5

2.4.4“超大区域”自贸协定正在形成 5

2.4.5美欧暂得经贸规则制定权 6

第三章 国际经贸规则重构的现实意义、基础及实现机制 7

3.1“一带一路”战略下国际经贸规则重构的现实意义 7

3.1.1重构政府间国际经贸规则的意义 7

3.1.2重构国际货币金融规则的意义 7

3.1.3重构国际投资规则的意义 7

3.2“一带一路”战略下国际经贸规则重构的国际基础 8

3.2.1“一带一路”战略下沿线与周边国家的强大市场需求与供给能力 8

3.2.2“一带一路”战略下沿线国家对该战略的重视与区域性合作 8

3.2.3欧洲对“一带一路”战略的积极融入与推进 8

3.3“一带一路”战略下国际经贸规则重构的实现机制 8

3.3.1区域合作的加强使得沿线国家的市场潜力不断被挖掘 9

3.3.2不断构筑以中国为核心的全球性自贸区群 9

3.3.3以货币合作增强国际经贸规则重构的实力 9

3.3.4互联互通不断推进“一带一路”区域的整体融合 9

第四章 探讨“一带一路”战略下国际经贸规则的重构策略 10

4.1 国际经贸规则重构对我国的影响 10

4.1.1对开放步伐的影响 10

4.1.2对相关法律方面的影响 10

4.1.3对基础设施的影响 10

4.2 国际经贸规则重构中我国的策略 10

4.2.1 以开放促进改革,积极应对国际经贸规则重构 11

4.2.2 努力维护和促进多边经贸体制 11

4.2.3大力实施自贸区战略 11

4.2.4 把握好三大关系:全局与局部、消费者和生产者、全面开放与重点突破 11

结 论 13

致 谢 14

参考文献(References) 15

