
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要




Study on the Impact of Urbanization on the Employment and Income of Rural Residents in China


Since the reform and opening up, China's urbanization has developed rapidly, the urbanization rate of population has changed significantly, and the output value of secondary and tertiary industries has increased rapidly. The development of urbanization also affects the employment and income of rural residents in China. Compared with cities and towns, the employment of rural residents is difficult and their income is low, which affects social stability and harmony. At present, there are three main types of income gap in China: one is caused by the urban-rural dual economic system and the imbalance of urban-rural economic development. Academic circles began to study this income gap at the earliest time. The relevant research is relatively comprehensive and the achievements are relatively rich. Secondly, the income gap of rural residents is caused by the transfer of rural labor force to urban and non-agricultural industries, resulting in a significant increase in income levels. However, because this part of the transferred labor force does not enjoy the same welfare benefits as urban residents, they have to return to the countryside, and to a certain extent, expand the income gap of rural residents. The research on rural residents' income gap is also the focus of academic attention, and has achieved some results; the third category is urban residents' income gap. Therefore, solving the employment difficulties of rural residents and narrowing the income gap between urban and rural areas are the focus of social attention. This paper studies and discusses the mechanism of urbanization affecting rural residents' employment and income, and puts forward policies and suggestions to improve rural residents' employment and income in the process of urbanization. This has a positive impact on the process of urbanization in China, and is of great significance to the overall development of urban and rural areas and the realization of building a well-off society in an all-round way.

Research shows that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between rural employment growth and urbanization level. For every 1% increase in urbanization level, rural employment increased by 0.12%. Granger causality analysis shows that the Granger cause of employment growth is urbanization, but the Granger cause of urbanization is not employment growth. This causal relationship is one-way. According to the time series data of China's urbanization level and rural residents' income from 1978 to 2017, the co-integration test shows that there is a long-term equilibrium relationship between employment growth and urbanization level. For every 1% increase in urbanization level, the income of rural residents increased by 3.71%.

Key words: urbanization 、employment 、income


1 绪论 - 1 -

1.1研究背景和意义 - 1 -

1.1.1研究背景 - 1 -

1.1.2研究意义 - 1 -

1.2文献综述 - 2 -

1.2.1影响农村居民就业及收入的因素及原因研究 - 2 -

1.2.2城镇化影响农村居民就业及收入研究 - 3 -

1.2.3文献评述 - 5 -

1.3研究内容和方法 - 5 -

1.3.1研究内容 - 5 -

1.3.2研究方法 - 6 -

1.3.3技术路线 - 7 -

2 相关概念及理论 - 8 -

2.1相关概念 - 8 -

2.1.1城镇化 - 8 -

2.2理论基础 - 10 -

2.2.1刘易斯二元经济理论 - 10 -

2.2.2托达罗模型 - 10 -

2.2.3收入分配理论 - 10 -

3 我国城镇化及农村居民就业和收入现状分析 - 12 -

3.1我国城镇化现状分析 - 12 -

3.2我国农村居民就业现状分析 - 15 -

3.2.1城乡就业结构演变 - 15 -

3.2.2产业就业结构演变 - 17 -

3.2.3就业的所有制结构演变 - 19 -

3.2.4我国当前就业中存在的问题 - 20 -

3.3我国农村居民收入现状分析 - 22 -

3.3.1 收入差距测度方法 - 22 -

3.3.2中国城乡居民收入差距的演变与现状 - 23 -

3.3.3中国农村居民收入存在的问题 - 26 -

3.4小结 - 29 -

4 城镇化对中国农村居民就业的影响分析 - 30 -

4.1 理论分析 - 30 -

4.1.1 城镇化对中国农村居民就业总量变化的影响机制分析 - 30 -

4.1.2 城镇化对中国农村居民就业结构变化的影响机制分析 - 30 -

4.2 实证分析 - 30 -

4.2.1 城镇化对中国农村居民就业总量影响的实证分析 - 30 -

4.2.2 城镇化对中国农村居民就业结构影响的实证分析 - 35 -

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