
 2021-04-07 10:04

摘 要





Research on the problem of green accounting in Enterprises


With the development of economy, the environmental problem is becoming more and more serious, and the environmental pollution is becoming a global problem. This eighty percent of the pollution from the production and operation of enterprises. When making the decision of production and management, enterprises usually only start from their own interests, and seldom take into account the environmental pollution and resource destruction in the process of production and operation. But as the country's attention to this problem is more and more high and people's awareness of environmental protection is more and more intense, enterprises are forced by their own survival and development, must pay attention to the issue of environmental protection. Green accounting measurement is one of the important aspects in the study of green accounting.

The measurement of green accounting problems to be focused on. The first chapter reviews the research results of Chinese and foreign scholars in the green accounting, the second chapter introduced the connotation of green accounting, its emergence and development and green accounting features, also introduces the measurement of green accounting problems, like features and methods. In the third chapter, for example m lock company, the calculation of the environmental cost of H company by market value method and human capital method the two green accounting measurement methods, the comparison of H company focus on before and after the measurement of green accounting profit table, measuring green cost that can enable companies to save costs, enhance corporate image. The fourth chapter and the fifth chapter point out the current obstacles to the development of green accounting and put forward a series of solutions.

Through this article, I hope each enterprise can in the process of production and operation of environmental problems to be pay attention to, not only to put economic

interests in the first place, we should pay more attention to the ecological benefits, so as to achieve sustainable development of the real.

Key words:Green accounting measurement;metering method;The market value method;human capital method;H company

目 录

1绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的及意义 1

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.3.1国内研究现状 2

1.3.2国外研究现状 8

1.4研究内容与方法 9

1.4.1研究内容 9

1.4.2研究方法 9

1.5论文特色与创新之处 9

2绿色会计的理论与计量 10

2.1绿色会计的概念 10

2.2绿色会计的发展 10

2.3绿色会计的特征 11

2.4绿色会计计量的特点 12

2.5绿色会计计量方法 12

2.5.1直接市场价值法 13

2.5.2替代市场法 14

2.5.3市场调查评估法 15

3企业绿色会计计量的案例研究 13

3.1 H公司所面临的环境问题 16

3.2 H公司绿色会计要素的计量 17

3.2.1市场价值法 18

3.2.2人力资本法 18

3.2.3计量绿色会计要素后的会计报告 18

3.3对企业绿色会计计量的进一步讨论 19

4制约绿色会计发展的问题 20

4.1企业的环保意识薄弱 20

4.2法律法规不健全 20

4.3会计体系不完善 20

4.4从业人员水平有限,缺乏相关知识 20

5对于绿色会计发展的对策建议 22

5.1发挥政府的主导性作用 22

5.2加大宣传教育,提高环保意识 22

5.3提高会计人员素质 22

5.4建立绿色税收机制 22

5.5积极参与国际间合作,借鉴他人经验 23

结 论 24

致 谢 25

参考文献 26







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