
 2021-04-08 12:04

摘 要



A Study of Woody Forest Products Export Trade Structure in China


The structure of foreign trade is the focus of the international trade research topic. This paper studied the Chinese wood forest products export trade structure and analysis, and combined the theoretical analysis and empirical analysis to ensure the reliability of the research from international trade, economics, etc. Research shows that the export of woody forest products trade, the proportion of more lumber, paper and paper products, furniture, etc. Export products structure from mainly resource-intensive transition to mainly labor-intensive and capital and technology intensive phase. At the same time, you can see that Chinese wooden forest products export trade mainly to Japan, the United States, Australia, South Korea, and European countries, exports are relatively concentrated. In recent years, with the strengthening of international trade barriers and European countries to implement the European wood act makes China wooden forest products export trade has certain obstacles, timely change and optimize the structure of the export of Chinese wood forest products trade is the immediate priority. Research also shows that the good international trade environment in the world and for improvement of product quality, wood and Chinese wood forest products production technology to optimize the woody forest products of China in promoting export trade structure provides a good opportunity and possibility. For Chinese wooden forest products export trade structure optimization, the enterprise itself to strengthen technical innovation and product quality certification, to provide technical support; the government to establish green trade barriers, to strengthen international cooperation, improve the international competitive power support for it.

Key words: Woody forest products, export trade, the trade structure

目 录

前 言 - 1 -

1理论基础及文献综述 - 2 -

1.1文献综述 - 2 -

1.1.1关于中国木质林产品出口产品贸易结构的相关研究 - 2 -

1.1.2关于中国木质林产品出口市场的相关研究 - 2 -

1.1.3中国木质林产品出口贸易结构与国际贸易壁垒 - 3 -

1.2理论基础 - 3 -

1.2.1木材总供求的平衡理论 - 3 -

1.2.2巴拉萨-萨缪尔森效应 - 3 -

1.2.3新贸易理论政策 - 4 -

1.2.4比较优势理论 - 5 -

2 中国木质林产品出口贸易结构的现状 - 6 -

2.1中国木质林产品出口贸易概况 - 6 -

2.1.1总体概况 - 6 -

2.1.2目标市场 - 6 -

2.2林产品贸易出口格局 - 7 -

2.2.1我国木质林产品出口规模 - 7 -

2.2.2我国木质林产品出口结构 - 8 -

3我国木质林产品出口结构的影响因素 - 9 -

3.1人民币汇率对木质林产品出口贸易的影响 - 9 -

3.2 绿色贸易壁垒对中国木质林产品出口贸易结构的影响 - 9 -

3.3木材合法性认证的影响 - 10 -

3.4进口环境的不稳定 - 11 -

4 中国木质林产品出口贸易结构中存在的问题 - 12 -

4.1出口市场集中度过高 - 12 -

4.2出口商品结构的不合理 - 12 -

4.2.1出口商品结构指数 - 12 -

4.2.2出口商品结构对资源需求过大 - 12 -

4.3现存出口贸易模式易受国际市场影响 - 13 -

4.4中国木质家具的市场势力弱 - 13 -

4.5产业集中度低,竞争力弱 - 14 -

5中国木质林产品出口贸易结构的优化对策与建议 - 15 -

5.1企业层面 - 15 -

5.1.1调整企业模式,转变生产方式 - 15 -

5.1.2推动技术创新,提高资源利用率 - 15 -

5.2行业协会层面 - 15 -

5.2.1探索建立林化企业信誉等级制度 - 15 -

5.2.2加快林业标准化管理进程 - 15 -

5.3政府层面 - 16 -

5.3.1建立自身的绿色贸易壁垒 - 16 -

5.3.2加强国际合作,推进森林认证 - 16 -

5.3.3调整出口商品结构,走可持续发展之路 - 16 -

5.3.4中国木质林产品出口模式结构的优化 - 17 -

5.3.5中国木质林产品出口市场结构的优化 - 17 -

结 论 - 19 -

致 谢 - 20 -

参考文献 - 21 -

前 言



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