
 2021-04-08 12:04

摘 要



Cause Analysis and Countermeasure Research of China’s Forest Products Trade Friction


From the reform and opening up to joining the WTO in 2001, incredible change has happened to the pattern of China's foreign trade. While the international trade environment is booming, China's domestic economy has made rapid development as well. As the domestic economic is going through a great increase, China's international trade of forest products has also undergone a rapid growth, and the forestry industry in the international trade situation is also beyond measure. However, with the unprecedented prosperity of the international trade of forestry industry, the number of forest products international trade friction also showed geometrically increasing year by year, becoming one of the significant factor of the restriction of China's forest products development. Therefore, analyzing the reason of trade friction that China's forest products encounter in foreign trade, and summing up a set of detailed and effective solutions to help solution based on the analysis are the most to break the bottleneck of the development of the China’s forestry enterprises. In this paper, based on the knowledge of international trade, macro economics, micro economics, and other basic theory, and summary of many experts and scholars’ research results and experience, I will analyze the actuality of international trade, and summarize the causes and characteristics of China's forest products international trade friction, put forward countermeasures, and I do hope it does help to solve Chinese forest products international trade friction.

Key words: forest products, international trade, friction, cause, countermeasure


1.绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的和意义 1

1.3文献综述 2

1.3.1国际贸易摩擦的相关概念 2

1.3.2我国林产品国际贸易摩擦的种类和特点 3

1.3.3我国林产品国际贸易摩擦的成因分析 3

1.3.4我国林产品国际贸易摩擦的应对策略 3

2.我国林产品国际贸易摩擦的种类 4

2.1传统贸易壁垒 4

2.1.1反倾销 4

2.1.2反补贴 4

2.2技术性贸易壁垒 5

2.2.1知识产权问题 5

2.2.2 332调查 5

2.3绿色贸易壁垒 6

2.3.1森林认证 7

2.3.2原料来源合法性(雷斯法案) 7

3.我国林产品国际贸易摩擦的特点 9

3.1贸易摩擦的增长速度非常快 9

3.2贸易摩擦的涉案金额特别巨大 9

3.3贸易摩擦的形式非常丰富 9

3.4贸易摩擦的主体更加多元化 10

3.5贸易摩擦的影响特别深远 10

3.6 贸易摩擦涉及的领域和范围日益扩大 11

4.我国林产品国际贸易摩擦的成因分析 12

4.1 外部因素 12

4.1.1 世界经济的发展形势 12

4.1.2 WTO制度上的不合理性 12

4.1.3 贸易保护主义的盛行 13

4.1.4 国际林产品的产业结构不够合理 14

4.2 内部因素 14

4.2.1 林产品对外贸易依存度过高 14

4.2.2 低价竞争,缺乏核心竞争力 15

4.2.3 林产品资源集中度过高 15

4.2.4缺乏完善的贸易摩擦应对机制 15

5.我国林产品国际贸易摩擦的解决对策 17

5.1政府方面 17

5.1.1 转变市场模式,加强与新兴经济体的合作 17

5.1.2 积极参与相关国际贸易规则的制定 17

5.1.3尽快建立完善的贸易摩擦预警机制 17

5.1.4 制定和完善相应的法律体系和规章制度 17

5.2 企业方面 18

5.2.1 调整和完善自身的经营模式 18

5.2.2 熟悉并掌握贸易规则 18

5.3 林业协会方面 18

6.结论 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21






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