
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要




Research on the Development Status and Problems of Cross-border E-commerce in Jiangsu Province


Since the beginning of the 21st century, under the background of economic globalization, the rapid development of the Internet has prompted the transformation of traditional foreign trade models, and cross-border e-commerce has gradually emerged as a new type of trade mode. Many developed countries have established platforms. It has established a third-party logistics platform and third-party payment methods, promulgated corresponding laws and regulations, and built many internationally renowned brands such as Amazon and eBay. Jiangsu province has always been a major foreign trade province in China, and it has not been able to lag behind in the development of the cross-border e-commerce industry. The comprehensive service system established in recent years has begun to bear fruit, but there is still a big gap with developed countries, and we need to further improve service efficiency and provide more convenience. To cope with the increasingly fierce competition in the international e-commerce market.

Against the background of the above, this paper will briefly evaluate the current situation of international cross-border e-commerce development from the four perspectives of Internet penetration, platform construction, third-party logistics and network settlement system, and further take Jiangsu Province as the research object. This paper expounds the transformation of Jiangsu province from the original model of real economy and trade to the formal launch of the cross-border e-commerce pilot project in 2013 and its subsequent development process, summarizes some of the features presented in the process of development, and analyzes in depth a series of issues affecting the further development of the industry. For example, if the core brand of e-commerce is missing and the efficiency of commodity clearance is low, finally try to think from multiple perspectives and put forward some relevant suggestions in a targeted manner.

Key words: cross-boundary electricity operators;Jiangsu province;status of development;issues and recommendations

目 录

1 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究概述 3

1.3 论文基本框架 4

1.4 论文创新之处 4

2 当前国际跨境电商发展概况 6

2.1 互联网络普及率逐步提高 6

2.2 区域电子商务平台初具规模 7

2.3 第三方物流开创新模式 7

2.4 网络结算体系逐步建立 8

3 当前江苏省跨境电商发展概况 9

3.1 江苏省跨境电商发展特点分析 9

3.1.1 制造业率先进行对外贸易模式转型 9

3.1.2 跨境出口模式以B2B为主 11

3.1.3 跨境电商企业数量、商品种类逐年递增 12

3.1.4 出口地区主要集中在俄罗斯和东南亚地区 13

3.2 江苏省四个跨境电商试点发展概况分析 14

3.2.1 南京市的“两园一中心”构想 14

3.2.2 无锡市联合中国邮政打造产业园区 14

3.2.3 宿迁市融合电商与物流产业 15

3.2.4 连云港市检验检疫局助推跨境电商发展 16

3.2.5 四个跨境电商试点城市比较分析 16

4 江苏省跨境电商发展存在的问题分析 18

4.1 电商核心品牌严重缺失 18

4.2 行业整体竞争力不足 19

4.3 商品通关效率缓慢 19

4.4 中小企业出口退税难 20

4.5 产品同质缺乏创新 20

4.6 产业链支撑体系仍未完善 21

4.7 相应法律法规出台滞后 21

5 进一步推动江苏省跨境电商发展的建议 23

5.1 加强金融服务体系建设 23

5.2 提高商品通关效率 23

5.3 将原有优势产业与跨境电商相结合 23

5.4 进一步拓展俄罗斯与东南亚市场 24

5.5 鼓励各试点城市的差异化发展 24

5.6 增强中小企业自身创新能力 24

5.7 进一步完善相关法律体系建设 25

结论 26

致谢 27

参考文献 28

  1. 绪论




1.1 研究背景及意义

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