
 2021-04-07 12:04

摘 要



关键词: 中美贸易战 林产品贸易 比较优势 影响

Analysis of the Impact of Sino-U.S. Trade War on China's Forest Products Trade


Since the Amended Les Act was promulgated in 2009, the United States has frequently imposed sanctions on China's export of forest products to the United States, which has intensified in recent years. Especially in 2018, the United States set off a wave of anti-globalization, and conducted a "301" investigation on China in March of that year, which marked the beginning of the Sino-US trade war. In July, August and September, the United States issued successive official declarations. Three batches of punitive tariff lists have been issued, and forest products are among them. China's forest products international trade industry has been subjected to unilateral key sanctions by the United States. The Sino-US trade war is becoming more and more intense, and its impact on forest products trade is inevitable. Under this background, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to study the impact of Sino-US trade war on China's forest products trade.

This paper first introduces the background, process and current situation of the Sino-US trade war, as well as the reasons and motives, using qualitative and quantitative research methods. This paper analyses the current situation and characteristics of China's trade in woody forest products, the similarities and differences between China and other countries before and during the trade war, and between China and the United States, as well as the specific impact of the Sino-US trade war on China's trade in woody forest products and its changes in the total volume and structure of trade in woody forest products. Then, using the comparative advantage theory, prospect theory and new trade protectionism theory, this paper analyses the specific impact of trade warfare on China's forest product trade from the theoretical content and theoretical application. On this basis, it analyses the development prospects of China's current forest product trade and its competitiveness in the international market. Finally, according to the current trade situation, this paper analyses the trade changes of China's forest products in the world market, and combines them with the current political situation, and then puts forward corresponding suggestions on the pros and cons of China's forest products trade.

Key words: Sino-US Trade war Trade of forest products Theory of comparative advantage Impacts


1 绪论 1

1.1研究背景: 1

1.2研究目的及意义 2

1.2.1 研究目的 2

1.2.2 研究意义 2

1.3国内外文献综述 3

1.3.1国内文献 3

1.3.2 国外文献 3

1.3.3 文献综述 4

1.4研究方法内容与创新不足 4

1.4.1研究方法 4

1.4.2研究内容 4

1.4.3研究创新与不足 5

2.相关概念界定和理论基础 6

2.1概念界定 6

2.1.1 FAO林产品的界定 6

2.1.2 我国林产品的界定 6

2.1.3 本文的研究对象 6

2.2比较优势理论 6

2.2.1 比较优势理论的发展 6

2.2.2 比较优势理论的内容 7

2.2.3 比较优势理论的应用 7

2.3 前景理论 7

2.3.1 前景理论的发展 7

2.3.2 前景理论的内容 8

2.3.3 前景理论的应用 8

2.4新贸易保护主义:  8

2.4.1 新贸易保护主义的发展 8

2.4.2 新贸易保护主义的内容 8

2.4.2 新贸易保护主义的应用 9

3 我国林产品贸易发展概况 10

3.1中国林业产业的发展现状 10

3.1.1 中国林业产业规模 10

3.1.2 中国林业产业比重 11

3.2中国林产品贸易发展现状 12

3.2.1 林产品贸易进出口规模 12

3.2.2 中国林产品贸易结构 13

3.2.3 主要贸易伙伴 14

3.3 林产品贸易发展过程中存在的问题 15

3.3.1林产品贸易品种繁多,但分布缺不均衡 15

3.3.2进出口市场过于集中 16

3.3.3产业集中度低,缺乏龙头企业 16

4中美贸易战对我国林产品贸易的影响分析 17

4.1 理论分析 17

4.1.1 从比较优势理论视野分析 17

4.1.2 前景理论分析 20

4.1.3“新贸易保护理论”分析 22

4.2 影响分析 23

4.2.1 积极影响 23

4.2.2 消极影响 24

4.2.3 对林产品贸易趋势的影响分析 25

5 中美贸易战背景下发展林产品贸易的应对措施 29

5.1 国内 29

5.1.1 拉动内需 29

5.1.2 提高产品附加值 29

5.1.3 充分发挥行业协会的作用 29

5.1.4 降低外贸依存度 29

5.2 国际 30

5.2.1 进一步加强中美沟通和协作 30

5.2.2 建立健全反倾销应诉机制 30

5.2.3 学习他国先进经验 30

5.2.4 林产品贸易认证机制与国际接轨 31

5.2.5 利用市场机制,打开国际市场 31

6 中国林业产业结构调整和林产品贸易发展方向 32

6.1 与一带一路结合 32

6.2与“2025中国制造”结合 32

6.3 做好可能继续的长期的贸易战的准备 32

结论 35

致谢 36

参考文献 37




①经济视野动因:特朗普是一个商人背景的政治家,作为商人的视角本能的执着于逆差,在他从商时便一直享受着美国的新贸易主义保护。因此他希望通过贸易战的方式,改善这种他认为的中美不平等的贸易关系。中国一直坚持的就是和平与发展,中国是特色社会主义制度,追求的也是共同富裕与发展,在新时代的背景下就是实现全球的共同富裕。而在特朗普政府眼中,中国似乎一直是摆在台面上的竞争对手。美国政府想借助两国贸易战,阻碍中国的经济发展,改善美国经济严重弱化,产业空心化的现状,“让制造业回流美国”,并且于此同时打压中国的制造业,让全世界都盲信逆差这个开战理由,显然不可能,回顾贸易战的“301调查”涉及到中国出口的500种商品,这些商品并不是中国具有比较优势的中低端以劳动密集型为主的制造,而是 “中国制造 2025”计划中提及的主要发展的制造业。其内容主要包括了信息技术、航空航天、海洋工程、新能源汽车等十个重点领域。美国对“中国制造 2025”征收关税,一方面是为了巩固自己的技术霸权地位,更是为了维护自己在世界经济体中的霸主地位。因此,美国的目标仍是打压中国。

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